Social care provision for disabled children can be a complex matter, there is no set provision for a particular need but instead it is outcome based. Provision needed to meet a set outcome may vary depending on individual circumstances. The resources below show the process by which social care packages are determined, and the factors that should be born in mind when determining the level of support needed. There is information relating to the general legal position, the process for assessment of need, and information relating to specific circumstances or need. This information may be considered alongside the section on
Children's Continuing Care
in case there is a duty on the NHS to provide these services, and with the section on
Personal Budgets
as an alternative to commissioned services.
All content on this website is to enable parents to have access to the information they need to make their own decisions and is not advice. None of the information is original, this is collated documents freely available on the web and links are provided to show the original source and author of each item where possible.